The 9 Human Design Centers and their 64 gates in the world of work

by | Sep 22, 2024 | Human Design Basics | 0 comments


Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the Human Design Centers. The Human Design Centers are the basic framework that reveals the secrets of your personality. In this blog post, I would like to introduce you to the centers of the Human Design Chart, which illuminate both your strengths and your potential areas of growth.

Discover how the defined and open or undefined centers and their gates in your Human Design Chart influence your impact in the working world and how you can use these insights to lead an authentic professional life.

The Human Design Centers of the Human Design Chart

When you look at your Human Design Chart, you will probably notice the Human Design Centers first. These are the nine triangular, diamond or square shapes that are either colored or white. The colored centers are the defined centers. The white centers are referred to as open Human Design centers. You can have your personal Human Design Chart created free of charge by entering your birth data in my Human Design Calculator.

Now back to the Human Design Centers. Each of the centers is a node (similar to the chakras in yoga) that contains a certain frequency or energy information system. Each center has an important function. Whether the Human Design Centers are defined or open or undefined says a lot about us as a person. Basically, it is all about the difference between effect and perception.

In a professional context, I repeatedly find that strengths, weaknesses and especially interests, but also conditioning, can be derived from the centers. Which Human Design center is defined and which is open and how the connections run also determines which of the five Human Design types a person belongs to.

Open and defined Human Design Centers

Defined and open Human Design Centers show you in which aspects you are “firmly in the saddle” and where you increasingly perceive things from the outside and let them get to you or which have an attractive effect on you. You often feel drawn to what you don’t embody yourself.

Human Design Centers – Defined

The defined centers (colored) have a constant function. These aspects are “set in stone”, so to speak. You can rely on them because there is a continuous energy in the defined centers.

Human Design Centers – Open

In open Human Design Centers, the energy is not constant with regard to certain characteristics. You are more open to external influences, especially from people with an appropriately defined center. Open centers give you flexibility and empathy. Completely open centers that do not have a docked gate (hanging gate) are particularly susceptible to conditioning.

Motor centers

At a deeper level of Human Design, there are different Human Design Centers, four of which are called Motor Centers. These motor centers are sources of life energy, each in its own way.

The sacral center as a motor center

The defined sacral center symbolizes enduring energy. It provides sustained energy, especially when you are engaged in activities that give you pleasure. The work is fulfilling and this motor automatically recharges itself. The sacral center regenerates itself, especially after a long, fulfilling day, when you come to rest.

The root center as the motor center

The root center represents the starting energy. With a defined root center, you will find it easier to get up in the morning. It motivates and drives you on. On the downside, it can lead to self-stress (defined) or you are easily stressed by others (undefined).

The emotional center as a motor center

Emotions are energy in motion that must be released at some point. Every emotion has its function, and even unpleasant feelings provide energy to move forward in life.

The heart center as a motor center

Among other things, the heart center is a symbol of willpower. This motor is used to fight for one’s own will, to assert it and to gain influence.

Awareness centers

In addition to the motor centers, there is another type of human design center, the awareness centers. These include the spleen center, the ajna center and the emotion center (which is also a motor center).

Each of these Human Design Centers focuses on a specific type of awareness and energetic processing. The spleen center (triangle on the left) has a body consciousness and is focused on the survival of the body (survival intelligence). The Ajna center (lower triangle in the head) has a mental awareness and is concerned with mental intelligence. The emotional solar plexus (triangle on the right) also has a spiritual awareness and is concerned with emotional intelligence.

Human Design Centers: The Crown Center

The Kronenzentrum stands for inspiration and inventiveness. The crown center is also a pressure center. If the mental pressure becomes too great, headaches can be the result. 30 percent of people have a defined crown center, 70 percent have an undefined crown center. The associated gland of the crown center is the pineal gland.

Human Design Crown Center
Human Design Centers: The Crown Center

Defined crown center

If you want to find solutions at work and create ideas from within yourself, it is an advantage if you have a defined crown. As a creative mind in the company, you can benefit from this quality and become a source of ideas and inspiration. You can rely on your head, but you also need team players with diverse designs to help you implement your ideas.

However, there is also a flip side to the coin, because sometimes ideas and solutions go round in circles and never come to rest. This endless loop can drive you mad. You should therefore use techniques such as meditation, yoga or yoga nidra to interrupt these thoughts.

Undefined crown center

If you have an undefined crown center, it is usually difficult for you to have consistent access to your thought processes and to remember things well. Even if you prepare intensively for a meeting, it can seem like your mind goes blank just beforehand. However, you can be confident that you will recall the right information at the right time.

With an undefined crown center, you are also receptive to the thoughts and ideas of your colleagues and you sometimes cannot distinguish which ideas are really your own and which are not. It is important to mirror the ideas of others in an appreciative way and to be flexible in your thought processes. Because of your flexible mind and deep understanding of others’ ideas, you are able to think creatively and innovatively.

The Human Design Gates of the Crown Center

Human Design Gate 64

Gate 64 – Reflection / Completion: You are under constant mental pressure to reflect on past experiences and discover their overall meaning – a cycle that creates confusion until the images are clarified.

Human Design Gate 61

Gate 61 – Exploration / Inner Truth: Human Design Gate 61 allows you to become aware of universal life principles and creates the mental pressure to recognize absolute truths, to mentally explore life and the unknown, and to share the findings to inspire others.

Human Design Gate 63

Gate 63 – Review / Verification / After Completion: Gate 63 is the mental pressure to review concepts to ensure a secure future. You have a skeptical mind that harbors doubt and needs logical clarity, facts, reasoning and evidence to recognize future-proof patterns.

Human Design Centers: The Ajna Center (Mind)

The Ajna center represents the mind and relates to the processing of information, conceptual thinking and structure. The ajna center is one of the three centers of consciousness, along with the spleen center and the emotional center. Approximately 47 percent of humanity has a defined ajna center, 53 percent have an undefined center. The gland connected to the Ajna center is the pituitary gland or pituitary gland.

Human Design Mind Center
Human Design Centers: The Ajna Center

Defined Ajna center

If you have a defined Ajna center, you are an analyst by nature. You are able to process and recall numbers, data and facts at any time, which often forms the basis for your decisions. However, it is important to understand that decisions should not be made by the mind alone, but by our inner authority.

If you rely solely on your mind, you think purely rationally and may make decisions that do not necessarily contribute to your well-being. It is therefore important to open yourself up to your body sensations and listen to your gut feeling, even if it doesn’t seem logical at first glance.

By relying on your inner authority and incorporating your gut feeling into your decision making, you can make decisions that truly suit you and move you forward on your life path. It is important to understand that you are not only a rational analyst, but also an intuitive feeler who can use your inner wisdom to make the right decisions.

Undefined Ajna center

If you have an undefined Ajna center, you cannot process information in a consistent way. You find it difficult to focus on your own mind. Instead, you can mirror the thoughts and ideas of your colleagues and superiors to ensure that projects and processes don’t get bogged down.

For you, there is not THE truth, even if you have examined many perspectives. It is therefore important to give yourself space to consider different scenarios in parallel as options. It is also difficult for you to answer spontaneously. It’s better to say “I don’t know right now” than to give in to pressure and simply say something that hasn’t been thought through.

You should take the pressure off and take time to think or research. It’s okay if you don’t have an answer straight away. Take your time to gather all the information and then make an informed decision.

The Human Design Gates of the Ajna Center

Human Design Gate 47

Gate 47 – Interpretation / Distress: Gate 47 creates mental pressure within you to understand the past, it causes you to piece together fragments of memory to make sense of it, which can be helpful in coming to terms with your own past as well as collective experiences.

Human Design Gate 24

Gate 24 – Introspection / Return: Gate 24 gives you the ability to question yourself intensely and look deep within yourself, allowing you to recognize truths and find rational answers by mentally combing through questions, leading to deep insights and significant progress on your path to self-knowledge.

Human Design Gate 4

Gate 4 – Developing Your Own Theories / Thesis Building / Youthful Folly: Gate 4 gives you the ability to find logical solutions to various problems through your strong imagination and constant desire for answers, allowing you to offer unsolicited solutions and generate new ideas for a better future.

Human Design Gate 11

Gate 11 – Ideas / Peace: Through Gate 11 you have the talent to develop creative and new ideas from your experiences and reflections, which, even if they are not necessarily implemented, serve as inspiration for others with the aim of improving social conditions.

Human Design Gate 43

Gate 43 – Insight / Breakthrough: With Gate 43, your inner voice suddenly and unexpectedly offers you profound insights that can lead to innovative ideas and help you to understand things for yourself, regardless of other opinions.

Human Design Gate 17

Goal 17 – Opinions / Succession: You have the ability to process information logically in order to form well-founded opinions, anticipate future scenarios and organize complex systems and structures.

Human Design Centers: The Throat Center

At its core, the throat center stands for manifestation (realization of actions), communication and self-expression. We express ourselves through the throat. We talk about our thoughts and express our feelings. Timing is the be-all and end-all. We have to find the right time to communicate. And, perhaps most importantly, when we put our words into action, we create reality. Approximately 72 percent of humanity has a defined throat center, 28 percent have an undefined throat center. The connected glands of the throat center are the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Human Design Throat Center
Human Design Centers: The Throat Center

Defined throat center

As a person with a throat center that is connected to different centers and channels, you determine the way you bring your thoughts and ideas into the world. Your colleagues may have a particular preference for your voice and speaking style.
For example, if your Throat Center has a defined channel to the Ajna Center, your statements come mainly from your mind. The connections to other human design centers influence the quality of your communication. If you have a connection to the heart center, you are naturally a born leader (taking into account other aspects of your Human Design Chart, of course).

Undefined throat center

If you have an undefined throat center, it can be difficult to see the benefits. It can feel like no one is really listening or you’re afraid to speak because you don’t know what to say. This can be particularly problematic in a work environment. The trick is to be passive and speak when we are asked to.

With an undefined throat, we have the flexibility to speak in many different voices depending on the topics being addressed. The different gates in our Human Design Chart also determine which topics we pick up on and which we don’t. We are also very good listeners and are good judges of when it is appropriate to say something.

The human design gates of the throat center

Human Design Gate 62

Goal 62 – Details / precision / slight overweight: With goal 62 you have an eye for detail and use this to organize complex issues and express them precisely so that others understand you and are convinced by your statements.

Human Design Gate 23

Goal 23 – Clarity / fragmentation: With goal 23 you have the ability to communicate your individual knowledge clearly, where timing and context are crucial so that your knowledge can be understood and used by others.

Human Design Gate 56

Tor 56 – Stimulus / Wanderer: By Human Design Tor 56 is a fascinating storyteller who knows how to evoke and control emotions through language, and your vivid and enriched narratives capture the attention and interest of your listeners.

Human Design Gate 35

Gate 35 – Progress: With your sense for upcoming changes and your restless nature, you are a motor of progress with gate 35, always ready to try out new things and to discover and develop your diverse talents.

Human Design Gate 12

Gate 12 – Expressing Feelings / Appropriateness / Stagnation: Human Design Gate 12 gives you the need and ability to express your feelings appropriately, which leads to good understanding and allows you to communicate favorably, even when you are angry or upset.

Human Design Gate 45

Gate 45 – Collection: By Gate 45, you are like a leader who takes care of their tangible and intangible needs (e.g. education), skillfully distributes resources, and maximizes the wealth potential of a community with a combination of generosity and financial wisdom, helping others to succeed as well.

Human Design Gate 33

Gate 33 – Prudence / Retreat: Through Gate 33 you need phases of retreat to process and learn from what you have experienced, whereby your cleverness and desire to retreat will help you to use your insights effectively later and/or share them with others.

Human Design Gate 8

Gate 8 – Contributing to groups / promotion / cohesion: Through Gate 8, you make creative and original contributions to groups, promote exchange and present ideas effectively, showcasing your own style.

Human Design Gate 31

Gate 31 – Leadership / Impact / Influence: Through Gate 31 you have the gift of leading others and use your expression effectively to communicate strategies and exert influence, bringing structure and order to the group and are most effective when you have been formally appointed as a leader.

Human Design Gate 20

Gate 20 – Presence in the Now / Presence / Contemplation: Through Gate 20 you unfold your potential by being present in the present moment and letting go of the past and future, and although this state of “now” brings deep peace, you often feel impatience.

Human Design Gate 16

Goal 16 – Enthusiasm / Identification / Enthusiasm: Through goal 16, you constantly refine your talents and abilities through enthusiasm and dedication until you bring them to perfection (e.g. like a professional athlete).

Human Design Centers: The Self-Center

The self-center is also called the G-center. It stands for our identity, our direction in life, as well as for self-love and authenticity. Approximately 57 percent of humanity has a defined self-center, 43 percent have an undefined self-center. The organ connected to the self-center is the liver.

Human Design Self Center
Human Design Centers: The Self-Center / G-Center

Defined self-center

When you have a defined self-center, you inspire your teammates with your clear life direction and sense of purpose. You know who you are and what you want to achieve and rarely worry about your path in life. Your self-center acts as an inner compass that also helps you in your professional career. Your colleagues and employees recognize your stability and look to you for guidance.

However, there are also challenges that come with having a defined self-center. You may assume that your colleagues will automatically follow your lead. But it’s important to remember that everyone has their own goals and motives. It therefore makes sense to also consider the perspectives and needs of your team members and include them in decision-making processes.

Undefined self-center

If your self-center is undefined, you are very adaptable and your life can be very varied. However, it can be difficult to find a clear direction as you don’t have a fixed inner compass. You sometimes feel lost and are easily influenced by others if you are not careful. You should therefore pay attention to the environment you are in. If you don’t feel comfortable in a professional environment, you should look for a new environment where you can express yourself authentically.

The human design gates of the self-center

Human Design Gate 7

Gate 7 – Strategy / The Army: Gate 7 gives you the ability to fundamentally influence the future by developing strategies and pointing out new paths and/or breaking up old structures. You always need the collective behind you in order to lead and guide effectively. Gate 7 is one of the leadership gates and belongs to the left hemisphere of the brain, the logical collective circuit. It is traditionally called “The Role of the Self” and is the wise counsel for the leader. The support for the one who will speak (gate 31).

Human Design Gate 1

Gate 1 – Creativity / Originality / Creation: Through Gate 1, creativity arises in quiet moments, expressing itself in unpredictable ways; although you want to be noticed by others, you strive for originality and not for material gain or external recognition.

Human Design Gate 13

Gate 13 – Mindfulness / communion with people: Through Gate 13 your openness and mindfulness, people confide their stories and secrets to you as you unconsciously preserve these experiences, making you a ‘chronicler of life’ who demonstrates a talent for evaluation in your profession.

Human Design Gate 25

Gate 25 – Naturalness / Innocence: Through Gate 25 you carry a childlike innocence and naturalness, often speaking spontaneously and with unconditional love, allowing you to heal your wounds and those of others and return to a state of purity.

Human Design Gate 46

Gate 46 – Striving forward / open-mindedness / reaching upwards: Gate 46 gives you an intuitive sense of timing and opportunity, you are always in the right place at the right time and make clever use of opportunities, while treating your body with care and attention and excelling in coordination at work.

Human Design Gate 2

Gate 2 – Inner guidance / intuition / the receptive: You have a deep intuitive connection to your higher self through gate 2, which gives you guidance on your life path and at the same time gives you the ability to advise others on their life path, whereby you excel at focusing in a professional context.

Human Design Gate 15

Gate 15 – Flexibility / Modesty: Gate 15 makes you flexible and adaptable, able to deal with extreme situations calmly, tolerant of people’s differences and, thanks to this versatility, you are also able to master different tasks professionally, which makes you particularly suitable for changing positions.

Human Design Gate 10

Goal 10 – Authenticity / Appearance: You express yourself authentically through Human Design Gate 10 and inspire others to also show themselves authentically, whereby your inner joy of life characterizes you and you do not adapt to the expectations of others.

Human Design Centers: The Heart Center

The heart center (also known as the will or ego center) stands for willpower, self-esteem and self-confidence. Only 37 percent of the population have the privilege of having a defined heart center. This means that 63 percent have an undefined heart center. The connected glands/organs to the heart center are the heart, the gallbladder, the stomach and the thymus gland.

Human Design Heart Center
Human Design Centers: The Heart Center

Defined heart center

As someone with a defined heart center, you are able to implement your will with determination and assertiveness. Your colleagues and employees appreciate your reliability and can rely on you. However, you may underestimate your own willpower and not fully utilize it.

As a defined heart, you have the ability to strengthen and inspire the willpower of people with an undefined heart center. You are also able to succeed in competitive situations as long as you stick to your personal strategy and authority.

Undefined heart center

If your heart center is undefined, your willpower is not always available to you. Even if you make an effort to strengthen your willpower, it does not always bring the desired success.

Negative feedback can hurt you deeply if you have an undefined heart. It’s important to keep promises and it’s good manners. But sometimes it can be hard to keep promises with an undefined heart. That’s why you should be careful about when you over-commit to others.

You don’t have to prove yourself through your work performance, neither for yourself nor for others. Your self-worth does not depend on your willpower. It’s more about listening to your authority and going your own way instead of frantically imposing your will.

The Human Design Gates of the Heart Center

Human Design Gate 21

Gate 21 – Control / Authority / Bite Through: You strive for independence through Gate 21 by seeking control over your own decisions as well as the ability to fulfill both your own needs and those of the community.

Human Design Gate 40

Gate 40 – Aloneness / Determination / Liberation: By Gate 40 you are working hard and efficiently on your own, needing a good work-life balance and time for yourself to maintain your performance and develop until you reach your full potential.

Human Design Gate 26

Gate 26 – Tactics / great taming power: Gate 26 gives you the ability to achieve maximum results with minimum effort and to influence others convincingly. This potential enables you to climb the hierarchy, but also harbors the danger of overestimating yourself.

Human Design Gate 51

Gate 51 – Competitiveness / bravery / the exciting: Gate 51 gives you the courage to compete with others and stay one step ahead of them, while being able to adapt and react to unexpected events. Your determination to take unconventional paths and your desire to master a (work) field empower you.

Human Design Centers: The Sacred Center

With its nine gates, the sacral center is the strongest motor in the Human Design Chart. It is the center for activity and long-lasting energy. It is also our inner GPS system for yes/no decisions (human design authority). Approximately 70 percent of us have a defined sacral center, 30 percent have an undefined sacral center. The glands connected to the sacral center are the testicles and the ovaries. Whenever the sacral center is defined, the Human Design type is automatically a Generator or Manifesting Generator.

Human Design Sacred Center
Human Design Centers: The Sacred Center

Defined sacral center

As a person with a defined sacral center, you have enormous energy. You are the worker bee in the office and can carry others along with your energy. But to realize your full potential, you also need to feel joy at work. So it’s important to find an activity that brings you joy. After a fulfilling day at work, you should fall into bed in the evening completely exhausted so that you can fully recharge your batteries during your night’s sleep. That way, you can start the next morning with a full battery and full of joy.

The gates or channels that emanate from your sacral center determine where you focus your energy. Your sacral center reacts to what shows up in your environment with a yes or no. It is your gut feeling that tells you whether you want to accept this job or not, for example.

Undefined sacral center

As an undefined sacral center, you have to learn to handle your energy skilfully. Your energy comes and goes and is therefore not constantly available as with a defined center. This increases the risk of exhaustion or burnout. You therefore need allies to get your business and project ideas off the ground and compensate for this weakness. Your strength lies in delegating and optimizing.

Closely timed relaxation phases are more important for you than for defined sacral centers. You can allow yourself to rest and relax in between without having a guilty conscience. Beliefs such as “You have to work hard to be successful” or “No pain, no gain” are a real danger for you and you should distance yourself from them. As an undefined sacral type, you are either a manifestor, projector or reflector.

The Human Design Gates of the Sacred Center

Human Design Gate 5

Gate 5 – Rhythm / Waiting: Gate 5 has the ability to be patient and create a rhythm to establish patterns in your life and harmonize them with nature.

Human Design Gate 14

Gate 14 – Work Power / Capacity / Possession of Greatness: Gate 14 is your ability to create and energize with passion by doing what you love without subjugating yourself, but in an attitude of benevolent service and generosity.

Human Design Gate 29

Gate 29 – Perseverance / Commitment / Abyssal Water: Gate 29 is your strength to commit to processes and to persevere, even when things get difficult. It stands for the potential of commitment and dedication.

Human Design Gate 59

Gate 59 – Intimacy / Dissolution: Gate 59 is your life force for intimacy and the ability to build deep bonds, both in procreation and in other social relationships where the potential lies in intimacy.

Human Design Gate 9

Gate 9 – Concentration on details / focus / small taming power: Gate 9 gives you the ability to focus on details and use your energy efficiently through perseverance and concentration to achieve your goals.

Human Design Gate 3

Gate 3 – Change / initial difficulties: Through Gate 3, your power to change is the ability to create the new and move through initial confusion to allow for synergy and development.

Human Design Gate 42

Gate 42 – Growth / Multiplication: Through Human Design Gate 42 you have the life force for growth and the ability to complete things to enable new cycles by focusing on completing processes and being open to new things.

Human Design Gate 27

Gate 27 – Caring / Corner of the Mouth: Gate 27 gives you the ability to care, starting with caring and compassion for yourself and extending to caring for others.

Human Design Gate 34

Gate 34 – Power / strength / great power: Gate 34 stands for the energy that serves to affirm oneself and to express one’s own uniqueness and power.

Human Design Centers: The Emotion Center

The emotional center, also known as the solar plexus center, is where we process our emotions. This is where we experience our passions, desires, moods and sensitivities. This center also allows us to connect with the social intelligence of those around us. Interestingly, only about 53 percent of people have a defined emotional center, while 47 percent have an undefined center.

Human Design Emotion Center
Human Design Centers: The Emotion Center

On a physical level, the emotional center is connected to various organs, such as the kidneys, lungs, pancreas, prostate and nervous system. This connection shows how closely our physical and emotional well-being are linked.

Defined emotional center

You have a constant connection to your own emotions. You are constantly on a certain emotional level, even if you are not aware of it. However, you should be aware that you are not your feelings, just as you are not your thoughts. You can mediate conflicts by not absorbing the emotions of the conflict parties and thus maintaining a healthy distance.

The emotion center contains the mechanics of what is called an emotional wave in human design. If you have an emotional authority, for example, you have to go through a wave in order to make the right decision. If you have a defined emotional center, your authority is automatically an emotional authority. By focusing on your emotional center and being aware of its impact on your body, you can improve your inner strength and resilience.

Undefined emotional center

If you have an undefined emotional center, you do not have the emotional wave described above. However, due to your openness, you are very empathic and often absorb the feelings of others. This can confuse you and make you think that you are to blame for the feelings of others. It is therefore important to know which feelings are your own and which belong to the people around you.

A job where you have to act as an arbitrator or judge is probably less suited to you. It can be difficult to distinguish between your own feelings and those of others and thus make a fair decision.

The human design gates of the Emotion Center

Human Design Gate 6

Gate 6 – Prudence / Strife: Gate 6 has the emotional intelligence that determines whether or not you are open to intimacy, regulates the flow of your feelings and influences your emotional balance.

Human Design Gate 37

Gate 37 – Friendship / Loyalty / Kinship: Gate 37 is your capacity for emotional attachment and loyalty in relationships such as friendship, marriage and community where mutual support is important.

Human Design Gate 22

Gate 22 – Mood swings / Mood / Grace: Gate 22 is your emotional mood, which can be either social or non-social depending on your state of mind.

Human Design Gate 36

Gate 36 – Touchability / Eclipse: Gate 36 contains the emotional sensitivity that takes you through extreme emotional experiences, from deep crises to the highest heights, and turns inexperience into experience.

Human Design Gate 49

Gate 49 – Principles / Upheaval: Gate 49 determines your emotional stability, which is based on principles and sets the rules for living together in a community.

Human Design Gate 55

Gate 55 – Abundance: Gate 55 expresses your capacity for emotional abundance, which leads you through deep emotional highs and lows, always in search of the ideal emotional state.

Human Design Gate 30

Gate 30 – Longing for new experiences / Fieriness / The sticky end: By Human Design Gate 30 is your emotional fire for new experiences, characterized by a deep longing and the courage to face the unknown.

Human Design Centers: The Root Center

The root center is a pressure center and has nine gates. Whether our root center is defined or undefined determines how we can process and control strong pressure. We have the task of finding out how we can use this pressure to our advantage instead of being used by it. Skillful management of root energy can have a huge impact on our work, relationships and health. 60 percent of us have a defined root center, 40 percent have an undefined root. The root center is connected to the adrenal glands on a physical level.

Human Design Root Center
Human Design Centers: The Root Center

Defined root center

If you have a defined root, you are basically a grounded person. You get out of bed quite easily in the morning and have a high tolerance threshold for stress and pressure. Thanks to your root motor, you are ready for action.

However, there are two important things you should know about the motor function of your root. Firstly, this motor is not always switched on, but pulses on and off. Therefore, despite constant access, you are dependent on the correct timing. Secondly, you should recognize that your drive particularly addresses the channel that provides the definition of the root.

It is important to understand how your root motor works and which channels influence it. If you understand this, you can fully exploit your potential and use your strengths. Remember that your defined root provides you with a strong drive. Nevertheless, make sure that you take sufficient breaks to recover.

Undefined root center

If you have an undefined root, you are driven by the adrenalized energy of your work environment. Once you realize that this pressure is not coming from yourself, you can find clever ways to deal with it. It is important to understand that your undefined root makes you more prone to exhaustion and makes it difficult for you to start projects.

If you know that you are absorbing pressure from outside, you can take steps to avoid the pressure. It is important that you protect yourself and maintain your energy by taking targeted breaks and being mindful of your boundaries.

The human design gates of the root center

Human Design Gate 53

Gate 53 – Starting something new / readiness / development: With the energy to set new cycles in motion and to patiently and structuredly drive developments forward, Gate 53 is the motor for new beginnings.

Human Design Gate 60

Gate 60 – Evolution / Realism / Limitation: Gate 60 gives you the drive to accept limits and preserve what exists, while providing the basis for sudden and fundamental innovation, Creative power results from melancholy.

Human Design Gate 52

Gate 52 – calmness / keeping still: Gate 52 makes it possible to keep calm in inaction and to concentrate on one thing and focus energy in passive tension.

Human Design Gate 19

Gate 19 – Needs / Approach: Gate 19 makes it possible to secure basic needs such as food or emotional closeness.

Human Design Gate 39

Gate 39 – Provocation / Liberation / Obstruction: Through Gate 39 you will become emotionally free by provoking the mind and thus dissolving emotional obstacles.

Human Design Gate 41

Gate 41 – Hope / Mitigation: Gate 41 holds the potential for hopes and aspirations to overcome limitations and represents the desire for new experiences that are necessary to make progress.

Human Design Gate 58

Gate 58 – Joie de vivre / The cheerful: Gate 58 allows you to enjoy life with light-hearted cheerfulness and joie de vivre, characterized by the desire to improve and perfect things.

Human Design Gate 38

Gate 38 – Tenacity / Perseverance / Opposition: You persistently defend your integrity and independence through Gate 38 and provide the fuel to overcome fears, especially of dying without purpose.

Human Design Gate 54

Goal 54 – Ambition / The Marrying Girl: Goal 54 Striving for advancement and material success in the community, with the aim of increasing social status, including building relationships with influential people.

Human Design Centers: The Spleen Center

The spleen center stands for intuition, safety and health. The spleen is on guard against potential dangers and protects us in acute emergencies. This center houses our fears of survival. It is there to make us aware through intuition that there is a real danger that we have to deal with in the here and now.

Human Design Intuition Center
Human Design Centers: The Spleen Center

However, most of our everyday fears are not real threats. They stem from the past. Our ego clings to these fears, feeds them, keeps them alive and thus scares us. However, the spleen center also contains energy for spontaneity and intuition. 55 percent of us have a defined spleen center, 45 percent have an undefined spleen center. The spleen center is physically connected to the lymphatic system and the spleen.

Defined spleen center

You are meant to use your body awareness to be alert to what is happening around you. Your body is designed to react spontaneously to situations. By listening to your intuition and following your personal strategy and authority, you can have a vibrant, healthy body with a strong immune system.

However, you should not take your health for granted. If you have an undefined spleen, a defined spleen gives you security. If, on the other hand, you don’t listen to your intuition, strategy or authority, you run the risk of burning out.

Undefined spleen center

As a person with an undefined spleen, you probably have a more sensitive body and are more susceptible to illness. You pick up on fears from people around you more quickly and your spleen may even amplify these feelings. It is important to distinguish which fears and anxieties belong to you and which you take on from others so as not to become too burdened.

Sometimes it can be difficult to let go and let things or people go, but it’s important to detach yourself from this too so as not to become too burdened. While spontaneity is not necessarily your strong suit, make sure to listen to your intuition and personal strategy, especially in decision-making situations.

The Human Design Gates of the Spleen Center

Human Design Gate 48

Gate 48: Depth / Well: Gate 48 represents the art of survival through preferences and tastes, a source of deep wisdom.

Human Design Gate 57

Gate 57: Clarity / Alertness / The Gentle: Gate 57 is the gate of intuitive awareness, responsible for survival and well-being, focusing on the present to recognize and avoid danger.

Human Design Gate 44

Gate 44: Cooperation / collaboration / accommodation: Gate 44 enables instinctive cooperation, with a sense for helpful cooperation partners and the ability to develop structures based on experience.

Human Design Gate 50

Gate 50: Values / The Crucible: Gate 50 stands for a wisdom based on ethics and values, which bundles the awareness of survival, whereby the assumption of responsibility is central.

Human Design Gate 32

Gate 32: Continuity / Duration: Human Design Gate 32 stands for continuity in the community, with a sense of the true value of people and things and a balance between adaptation and preservation of the traditional.

Human Design Gate 28

Goal 28: Taking Risks / Risk / The Great Overweight: Goal 28 describes your willingness to take risks in order to experience life and give it meaning, characterized by the intuition to recognize when it is worthwhile to stand firm and take risks.

Human Design Gate 18

Gate 18: Correct / Judgment / Work on the corrupt: By Human Design Gate 18, you possess the survival instinct through judgment, focusing on improving on mistakes and challenging learned standards and norms to achieve perfection.


I hope that this comprehensive article has enabled you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the 9 Human Design Centers and the 64 goals that serve as the key to your personality. Among other things, you have learned how the defined and undefined centers as well as the 64 gates can influence your Human Design Chart.

You also gained valuable insights into how you can use these findings to lead an authentic life. Would you like to explore your individual strengths and potential areas of growth in more detail and learn about the influence of your Human Design Chart on your other characteristics?

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FAQ: Questions about Human Design Centers

What are Human Design Centers

Human Design Centers are specific areas in the Human Design Chart that represent different aspects of personality. Each of the Human Design Centers stands for certain characteristics and functions and influences how we interact with our environment.

What is the difference between defined and open human design centers?

In a Human Design Chart, some centers are colored (defined) and others are white (open). Defined centers are “acting” and represent constant, reliable aspects of the personality. Open Human Design centers, on the other hand, are “perceptive” and more susceptible to external influences and offer potential for learning and growth.

How do the Human Design Centers influence my career?

Human Design Centers can provide insight into how we best operate in a professional environment. Defined centers can reveal strengths and natural talents, while open human design centers are areas where we can show interest, be flexible and adapt.

Can I learn to make better use of my open Human Design Centers?

Yes, open centers offer great potential for personal growth. By learning to deal with the energies and influences that come into these open areas, we can even develop wisdom in these aspects of life.

What are the 64 gates in Human Design and how are they connected to the Human Design Centers?

The 64 gates in Human Design are specific pathways that transmit energy and information between the nine centers. Each gate is associated with a specific I Ching hexagram and represents a unique quality. The individual activation of the Human Design gates also influences how the energy flows through the centers.

Written by: Thomas Waaden

Thomas is the owner of Human Design Berufsberatung and TW Coaching & Consulting. As a human design expert, he focuses on topics relating to career planning, corporate and economic development. After 20 years of professional experience in business, he now devotes his coaching activities to psychological and spiritual topics relating to vocation and personal development


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