Discover your true career path with your Written Human Design Analysis

Written Human Design Analysis
  • Get a deep understanding of your unique personality and get to know yourself better today.
  • Find out which tasks suit you and can bring you more ease in your job.
  • Recognize why things didn’t work out in the past and use the insights for your professional growth.
  • Strengthen your self-confidence and gain more confidence in your abilities.
  • Gain the ability to make better decisions about your professional future to set a clear course for your success.

Order your written Human Design Analysis (Pdf) now for 19,90€.

The English version of Human Design Analysis currently costs just 19.90 euros. I would like to make Human Design accessible to people from countries that don’t have as much money.

To do this, simply enter your birth data into the Human Design Calculator.

Get to know yourself better and order your written Human Design Analysis (Pdf) today! After entering your birth data, you will receive your analysis for download immediately after payment.

Example of a human design analysis

“Suddenly so many things became clear to me”.

Simply WOW! I am still open-mouthed in amazement at how much Thomas captured my personality in depth with Human Design Analysis. Suddenly so many things became clear to me and above all I now know how I can live my potential even better. Thomas is a great coach, strong analytically and very empathetic. Absolute recommendation!


Sales trainer, Self-employed

“…super prepared material…”

Thomas is a coach with great enthusiasm. This is evident in the super prepared documents that are specifically tailored to me, in his presentation, the information I receive and the interim discussions we have. I will continue to work with Thomas in the future to build my team and give each team member the right position in my company!



“The Human Design career analysis gives me new courage, new inspiration and the feeling of being good and useful as I am”

This analysis came at exactly the right time. I recognised myself in many things and was pleasantly surprised by one or two new pieces of information. Career orientation is so important and at the same time often a very anxiety-ridden path. The Human Design career analysis gave me new courage, new inspiration and the feeling of being good and useful as I am. It has shown me why I find some situations and tasks so difficult and where my actual strengths lie. This will give me more confidence, patience and clarity for the future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙂


Coach, Self-employed

“…found almost all the information I was looking for…”

Yesterday I bought your written Human Design Analysis pdf and found almost all the information I was looking for there. Many thanks and high praise, therefore, for the insightful and helpful HDS Occupational Report.


Questions and answers

Things to know about Human Design Analysis

What does the written Human Design Analysis include?

In your written Human Design Chart Analysis Pdf, you will learn about approximately 35-40 pages of insightful information about your professional life on the following topics:

  • Introduction to the topic “Human Design” in the working world
  • Your Human Design Chart with your personal characteristics
  • Your human design type and how to use your type for the job
  • The characteristics and skills of your team players and your relationship with them
  • Your personal strategy at work
  • Your personal tool for decision making (authority)
  • Your inner circuit in a professional context (9 centers; defined/open)
  • How to develop your character at work (profile)
  • Your special skills and talents and how you can use them in your job
  • Your deep motivation for your profession
  • Your motivation at work
  • Your ideal work location
  • How to launch your Human Design Project

How can I buy the Human Design Analysis?

Payment for your written analysis is made by credit card or PayPal in the following three steps:

Step 1: You enter your birth data into the form and click on “Calculate Human Design”.
Step 2: You scroll down and click on the “Buy” button in the box.
Step 3: After you have gone through the purchase process, you will immediately receive your Human Design Analysis as a PDF file.

Do you need another payment method? Then write me an e-mail!

How long does it take to receive my analysis?

You will receive your Human Design Analysis immediately after entering your data and completing the payment process.

What is a Human Design Analysis?

A Human Design Analysis describes the basic energetic structure of your personality. With the help of a calculator, your personal Human Design Chart is created. His description gives insight into how you can evolve in a natural and authentic way.

In this Human Design Chart analysis, the focus is on the professional life domain. So it’s about how you can steer your professional life in a more positive direction for you. Within the framework of this written analysis, you can find out which activities really suit you and how you can combine meaning and work. With this new transparency, you can make effective changes that will move your professional life in a positive direction.

Who benefits from a Human Design Analysis?

Basically, all people benefit from a Human Design Analysis who want to understand themselves better, appear more self-confident and develop their personal potential. This analysis is especially suitable for the career field and should help you to find out in which direction you can develop further.

How can a person benefit from Human Design Analysis?

The analysis helps you to identify your strengths, weaknesses, skills and talents and to align your career or life path accordingly. It can also improve your interpersonal relationships by helping you communicate more authentically and relate better to others.

This also allows you to work more effectively in a team.
You can also be more intentional about applying for jobs that match your nature. Human design analysis also helps to make better decisions and improve team collaboration.

What information do I need to create my Human Design Chart?

To generate your personal Human Design Chart, you need the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your birth time
  • Your birthplace

Enter this information into the Human Design Chart Generator and you will immediately receive your chart. If you scroll down, you will find the purchase option for your written analysis. Don’t have your detailed birth data yet? Then find out here how you can obtain your birth data.

Get to know yourself better and order your written Human Design Analysis now! Use the written Human Design Analysis as a starting point for your professional development!