Following a Human Design Reading, I prepare (time permitting) an Executive Summary for my client. This summary does not describe the entire Human Design Chart, but it does describe many relevant aspects. This summary is about Alex, Human Design type projector with the Human Design 3/5 profile. In my posts, I like to focus on one particular aspect in the Human Design Chart that also caught my eye while reading. This can be, for example, a gate, a channel or a line. In addition to Alex’s bodygraph, this article is specifically about Human Design Gate 28. Human Design has quite a bit to offer because of its depth. I hope you can take something away from this summary. Have fun reading!

Executive Summary from Alex

When I first met Alex online, he seemed like “relaxation” personified. By his own admission, he lives most of his life mindfully in the here and now. No wonder that his knowledge circuit, which in Human Design stands for living in the here and now, among other things, dominates.

According to the Human Design Chart, Alex is an empathic coordinator (projector) with troubleshooter qualities. He is also a stage person. This does not necessarily have to be a classic speaker’s stage. Stages exist online in many forms these days (TV, YouTube, social media, etc.). To influence his environment, Alex can unleash his talents on a stage. For Alex it is very important to express his inner self (inner compass). His presentation talent allows him to express his creative abilities in his own individual way. Expressing his personal life experiences and identity has a directional effect on his target audience. Alex connects what he wants to express with his mental insights and concepts that spring from his mind.

Another strength is his mediation and sales talent. Alex intuitively knows who to talk to and how in order to be heard. This makes him a skilled salesperson or negotiator. In general, people with this talent are often journalists, filmmakers or businessmen. So it’s no coincidence that Alex is still a freelance videographer and filmmaker today.

Alex has entered the second half of his professional life and is heading for his Chiron return. In the North Moon Node, Gate 28 is activated in its Human Design Chart (consciously in the second line and unconsciously in the fourth line). This shows him that he should also enter into questionable alliances on his development path in order to achieve certain goals or milestones. This may mean that he must also work with people who do not follow his own principles so that his life can unfold. This can lead to fame and success or to further great changes, but these can only be achieved through alliances of convenience.

Gate 28 Human Design

Human Design Gate 28, a gate of the spleen center refers to taking risks. It originates from the intuition center (spleen), because intuition decides whether it is worth taking a risk or not. “Do you trust your intuition?” This is the crucial question. It’s about excitement and liveliness, for example in play, adventure or negotiation. Sometimes in life you have to take risks to feel alive. Certainly, sometimes we have to venture into uncertain waters to do so, for as the saying goes, “He who dares wins!” The willingness to take risks is the potential of Gate 28.

Gate 28 Human Design Human Design Gate 28

Human Design Gate 28 Line Qualities

  1. Line: Preparation for the risky with efficiency and a sense of detail.
  2. Line: Enter into alliances of convenience, even if they seem questionable.
  3. Line: Intuitive caution to avoid too much risk in the spirit of adventure.
  4. Line: Seizing opportunities through intuitive experience.
  5. Line: provoking others to feel the meaning of life.
  6. Line: glory and honor for the change, no matter what the cost.

Combining his interests, learned skills, and sensitivity, Alex strives for a direction in which he can help children and/or youth bring more mindfulness into their lives, helping them to find a promising path in life. The camera helps him create his individual stage and thus positively influence a wide audience with his documentaries. Without setting the framework too narrowly from the start, the next step for Alex is to develop a prototype (concept), define his own target group and gather feedback. Alex can use his insights from the Human Design Coaching specifically for the new start.

Good luck with that, Alex!

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Geschrieben von: Thomas

Thomas ist Inhaber der Human Design Berufsberatung und von TW Coaching & Consulting. Er ist Systemischer Coach, Emotionscoach und Human Design Experte. Nach 20 Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Wirtschaft widmet er sich heute in seiner Coaching-Tätigkeit psychologischen und spirituellen Themen rund um die Berufung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung