
Human Design 2027: Changes in humanity and economy

by | Feb 21, 2025 | Human Design Advanced | 0 comments

Corporations and state institutions dominate the global economy and… if we break it down to every single citizen. Our society is based on consumption, productivity and growth. But this will not last much longer. Because the background frequency of the world is currently changing. We are moving into a new age. In human design, this is the age of the sleeping phoenix. If you are now wondering who the sleeping phoenix is and what this has to do with people and the economy, then let this blog article Human Design 2027 inspire you.

What will happen in 2027 according to Human Design

Human Design is not only a tool for better understanding people and their personalities, it also enables us to understand and even predict major phases of development in human history. The so-called crosses or Incarnation Crosses not only tell us something about individual life tasks. Long periods of time or long cycles are also under their influence.

These crosses certainly also influence the long-term shift in global economic dynamics. We are currently under the influence of the cross of planning. But on February 15, 2027, this era will end and the sleeping phoenix will come knocking at the door. We are therefore in the downturn of the cross of planning, which is currently still producing groundbreaking innovations and serving as preparation for the new cycle.

According to Human Design, a biological mutation of the human being takes place parallel to this epochal event. The 9-centred human mutates into the 12-centred human. But more on this later.

Human Design 2027: Humans at the center of change

The change of crosses brings a core theme to the fore: Individuality!

The previous energy had little to do with the self-purpose of the individual. Far too early, even the youngest children had to learn to sit still, obey and subordinate themselves hierarchically. Most of us were conditioned at an early age, even before we were able to form our own opinions. Unfortunately, this has led to an alienation from the self, so that today we look for tools to lead us back to our true selves because we cannot do it ourselves. Perhaps this is also the reason why Human Design came into the world. If this triggers you now, perhaps it’s high time for a Human Design Reading. 🙂

Conversely, however, this also means that in the future, the issue of solidarity society will increasingly recede into the background. Rather, it is about expressing the unique personality of each person with their own individual potential. It is about using personal responsibility and inner authority to decide for oneself and not handing over decisions to external authorities such as dictators, elites or politicians.

How personal strengths can change the world

The infrastructure is already in place to show individuals to the whole world without much effort. Platforms such as YouTube, Linkedin, Instagram, Tiktok and co. make it possible. Anyone who presents themselves authentically can now do good business in no time at all. But unfortunately, they can also spread information that causes damage in people’s minds.

However, not everyone has to become famous for their individual abilities. But the topics of individuality and authenticity will certainly become much more important than before. And let’s not forget the personal responsibility that everyone has to take for themselves.

However, this does not mean that everyone should only think selfishly about themselves. We are all interconnected and dependent on our environment. An ego trip has nothing to do with the world of tomorrow. It is about using our inner authority and gaining inner security through good experiences with it. It is also about helping others with our special qualities. The dawn of a new age can already be felt, even if it is often still the shadow aspects that hint at it.

The mutation of the human being in 2027

Mutation is a process that occurs again and again and for which we can ultimately be grateful. Making ourselves a more ‘conscious’ life form benefits us so that evolution does not overtake us and produce other beings that are more peaceful and adaptable than we are.

As indicated above, in addition to the change of crosses in 2027, a mutation of the human being will also take place. Instead of the 9 energetic Human Design Centers, the new species will have 12 centers – according to the prediction. A similar mutation already took place around 250 years ago, from the 7-centered (chakras) to the 9-centered human being.

According to Human Design, people born from 2027 onwards will have an emotional consciousness. These ‘new humans’ will be called rave kids. They will be different from us. Ra Uru Hu has hinted at what ‘different’ means.

Excursus: The mutation – Rave kids 2027

The human species evolved from a seven-centered to a nine-centered human in 1781. In 2027, the next mutation to a twelve-centered human is therefore imminent. This new species is called “the Raves”.

Rave children born with a mutated emotional centre differ both in their physical constitution and in their cognitive and emotional abilities. Today, we perceive emotions in the moment. What emotional consciousness will feel like after Human Design 2027 is difficult for us to comprehend.

Ra Uru Hu assumed that the Rave kids from 2027 will only have limited muscle strength and will not develop a pronounced ability to speak in the conventional sense. They should be part of a larger consciousness (pentas) and not be interested in individual uniqueness or self-identity. The Rave kids should be able to consciously act as part of these pentas, which consist of 3-5 people each and are capable of telepathic or intuitive communication.

Parents will probably be shocked when they have their rave children from 2027, much like when they have a severely autistic child. However, not every child will probably be a Rave child from 2027. Natural transition processes do not happen overnight.

With his Human Design message, Ra wanted to prevent rave children from being seen as sick. Ra believed that we humans and the raves will co-exist for a while, but will ultimately have no connection to each other.

Rave Kids = Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

The mutation of people into “ Raves” alone will cause them to move in a completely new direction over the next few decades, putting all long-term economic forecasts on shaky ground.

But somehow it all sounds rather mysterious, doesn’t it? What if Ra was wrong and artificial intelligence (AI) is the true extent of the rave kids? This has already been discussed in internet forums. And Andreas Ebhard from 64keys put forward the following exciting hypothesis in an interview: It could be possible that this knowledge of human design has only come into the world so that artificial intelligence learns what it means to be human. You could say that nothing is more ingenious than human design, right? You can find out more about this hypothesis in the blog post Human Design and Artificial Intelligence.

Human Design 2027: The focus in the working world of tomorrow

Back to the change of crosses and what awaits us in the world of work. According to the Human Design 2027 forecast, the following topics will be the main focus for workers from 2027 onwards:

  • the individual skills and talents of each individual
  • the ability to make independent decisions
  • Self-realisation and fulfilment of purpose
  • An authentic self and honest, authentic relationships

What will disappear in the working world of tomorrow

As soon as the cross of the sleeping phoenix awakens, the background energy of the cross of planning will naturally recede. From 2027, there will therefore be less and less to do:

  • Permanent growth: From an ecological point of view, the limits to growth have already been exceeded. The cross of the sleeping phoenix will hopefully have a positive impact on climate change.
  • Capitalism: The capitalist economy cannot exist in the future without growth. This is because the capitalism we live by is dependent on economic growth.
  • Logic and the dominance of numbers, data and facts: Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is the language of the 20th century. Life wants to be felt and no longer serve tribal logic.
  • Solidarity: Solidarity ties are declining. One example is the German pension system, whose days are long numbered. Personal responsibility therefore also means personal provision. The church is another example of a solidarity system that is currently abolishing itself. And what about alliances such as the EU or NATO? They too will abolish themselves because the background frequency will be different. It remains to be seen how this will happen. But it is already becoming apparent that many people are losing trust in such organizations because there is a lack of openness and honesty and more and more unpleasant things are coming to light.

From the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping phoenix in detail

The cross of planning has been active since 1615 and will end at the beginning of 2027. From February 15, 2027, a new great cycle will begin, which we are now facing – the cross of the sleeping phoenix. Now it is difficult to believe that on the night of February 14, 2027 to February 15, 2027, a great jolt will go through the world and everything will be different. But who knows, maybe it will come sooner than we can imagine.

If we look around us, we can already feel the transition to the new era. And this transition will probably not be complete in 2027 either, at least not in terms of its real effects and our perception. But let’s take a look at what used to be and will soon no longer be there.

What was in the foreground in the age of cross of planning

The cross of planning began with the industrial revolution, when complex production processes and workflows had to be organized on a large scale for the first time in order to keep pace with the new requirements and possibilities of developing technologies. Large corporations, banks, insurance companies and a standardized education system emerged. Scientific progress and medical and technical innovations characterized this period. Large systems and organizations took away our decision-making authority because the background energy favoured this.

Here are the exact characteristics of the Gates of the Cross of Planning, which will work less and less in our world:

  • Gate 37.1 Loyalty: regulated cohabitation and mutual support / mother / father as the fixed centre of the community
  • Gate 40.1 Determination: Commit the body to hard work for the community and enjoy the fruits of labour.
  • Gate 16.1 Skills: Enthusiasm that leads to acquiring skills and identifying with something because you are passionate about it.
  • Gate 9.1 Focussing: Concentration on details, which put science centre stage and brought in a lot of money in this area.
Human Design 2027_Cross of planning
Human Design 2027 – Cross of planning

In addition, there were the other relevant themes of the gates associated with the Mayan cross, which also serve as key gates to open the other floodgates to the self-centre.

  • Gate 61.1 Explore: The pressure to explore the inner truth and solve mysteries and riddles with occult knowledge.
  • Gate 62.1 Precision: Routine detail work and precise formulation of figures, data, facts and logical details
  • Gate 32.1 Continuity: Continuity, which preserves things, can only come about through change.
  • Gate 42.1 Growth: Growth through diligence, completion and expansion
Human Design 2027_Cross of the Maya in the form of a Human Design Chart
Human Design 2027 – Mayan Cross

At the heart of the Cross of Planning is the creation of infrastructure to provide for the 8 billion people in the world today. But here, too, we can see how difficult it has become to create or maintain infrastructure when we look at the problems in housing construction and the transportation network in Germany. In addition, resources are becoming increasingly scarce and the cement produced for roads and buildings is harmful to the climate and unsustainable. Human Design Gate 42 (growth) was the truly defining theme of the Cross of Planning economy.

The cross of planning also stood for solidarity, unification and the formation of community structures, which are increasingly crumbling. We can see this, for example, in the current fragmentation of the global community, also caused by the war in Ukraine and trade sanctions. But we are also seeing change on a small scale. More and more clubs are dying. The shared hobby is once again not taking place at the weekend because too many members have canceled.

Alongside the positive achievements of the last 400 years, the dark side of this time is environmental pollution, the extinction of species and the exploitation of people and nature. We certainly need a force to help us get out of this situation.

What will be established by the cross of the sleeping phoenix

In the future, new qualities and themes will define the world for a long time. In the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, the themes of the gates listed below are activated:

  • Gate 55.6 Abundance: Individual abundance and spiritual wealth through the realisation of one’s own spirit.
  • Gate 59.6 Intimacy: Intimacy without regard to circumstances.
  • Gate 34.6 Strength: Life force for individual strength (heart above head)
  • Gate 20.6 Presence: Expression in the here and now. Wisdom about what we should use our power for in the here and now.
    Human Design 2027_Cross of the sleeping phoenix
    Human Design 2027 – Cross of the sleeping phoenix

    In addition, there were the other relevant themes of the gates that are connected to the cross of penetration and also serve as key gates to open the other sluice gates to the G-centre.

    • Gate 54.6 Ambition: Drive for success and advancement in the community. Being selective in favour of advantageous relationships.
    • Gate 53.6 Readiness: Urge to start something new and lead into a new age
    • Gate 57.6 Alertness: Intuitive alertness
    • Gate 51.6 Bravery: The courage to compete with others replaces growth (Gate 42).
    Human Design 2027_Cross of Penetration in the form of a Human Design Chart
    Human Design 2027 – Cross of Penetration

    3 Strategies for the new era

    Success strategy 1: Welcome the change with goodwill

    Prepare yourself for change, but don’t let it drive you crazy. You now know roughly where the journey is heading. This knowledge gives your mind security in the here and now. But instead of looking to the future with total control, you should embrace the new age with abandon.

    Surrender is the flip side of control. Perhaps you will succeed in surrendering a little to the course of things and becoming more permeable to the course of life as a whole. In other words, letting things happen and not constantly creating inner resistance to them and losing energy.

    The greatest wisdom is to give up the fight and surrender. To surrender to nature and trust it. We don’t need human design, religion or dogma to do this – just trust in our nature.

    Success strategy 2: Don’t plan too far into the future

    In a rapidly changing world, too much planning is counterproductive. We live in a VUCA world that constantly presents us with new challenges. The acronym VUCA describes volatility (intensity of fluctuation), uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (ambiguity of information).

    Organisations and their employees must be adaptable and innovative in this environment in order to be successful. The only constant is change itself. Instead of sticking rigidly to plans, it is often better to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

    Success strategy 3: Start your Human Design 2027 project and get to know yourself better

    As described, the coming age will emphasise the topic of ‘individuality’. I therefore recommend: get to know yourself better. Human Design is an important building block here. Human design is a very tangible and understandable tool that is easy to put into practice. You don’t have to implement everything at once, but if you know what is good for you and what your potential is, you have already achieved a lot in your self-discovery process. Start your personal ‘Human Design 2027’ project and get to know yourself better.

    It is pointless to refuse to change.

    Nothing and no one will be able to escape change – not even capitalism. Because the economic growth model is no longer in harmony with the energy of creation.

    Rulers like Putin, Kim Jong-un and others are trying to turn back the clock and maintain the old system in order to continue to control decision-making power in society. Fear is being fuelled because the drivers of the old times subconsciously know that their time is coming to an end. We are currently experiencing the last gasps of the addiction to power. But their supporters are becoming increasingly critical, opposing them as well as entire systems and structures and taking to the streets for their need for justice and individuality.

    These structures and systems will – I suspect – not dissolve due to pressure from outside, but inevitably from within. Because the energy of creation no longer supports them.

    Do you already see signs of this major change in your own life? Feel free to write your thoughts on this in the comments.

    Prepare yourself for the coming age and discover your individual strengths. A Human Design Career Reading will show you how you can flourish in the new economic age. Book your reading now!

    FAQ: Questions about the topic Human Design 2027

    What is meant by "Human Design 2027"?

    ‘Human Design 2027’ refers to a major change in the world that is expected to take place in 2027. The zeitgeist of the planning society and large systems is coming to an end and the focus on the individual and personal responsibility is increasing significantly.

    How will "Human Design 2027" influence the world of work?

    It is expected that ‘Human Design 2027’ will lead to a stronger focus on individuality and authenticity in the world of work. This means that traditional working models and hierarchies will change and more emphasis will be placed on personal development and self-expression.

    What does the cross of the sleeping phoenix mean in the context of Human Design 2027?

    The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix symbolises the awakening of new potential and abilities in people that were previously unused or unknown. This cross is associated with a time of renewal and individual growth.

    How can I prepare for the changes of Human Design 2027?

    In order to prepare for the changes, it is helpful to look at yourself and develop a deeper understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses and potential. Because only those who know who they are can recognise what they want to bring into the world with fulfilment.

    What are rave kids and what role do they play in the context of Human Design 2027?

    Rave children are a term that refers to a new generation of people born from the year 2027 onwards. These children are said to be characterized by an evolutionary change (e.g. the Human Design Centers) that distinguishes them from previous generations. Rave children are expected to have expanded forms of consciousness and deeper emotional intelligence. In the context of Human Design 2027, they symbolize the beginning of a new era of human development.

    Written by: Thomas Waaden

    Thomas is the owner of Human Design Berufsberatung and TW Coaching & Consulting. As a human design expert, he focuses on topics relating to career planning, corporate and economic development. After 20 years of professional experience in business, he now devotes his coaching activities to psychological and spiritual topics relating to vocation and personal development


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