
Human Design 3/6 Professional profile

by | Sep 22, 2024 | Human Design Profiles | 0 comments

Are you the proud owner of the Human Design 3/6 profile? Then I would like to inform you in this blog post about how your profile is made up and how you can use your profile to develop naturally in your professional life. Have fun reading!

The profiles in Human Design are derived from the six lines of the basic structure of a hexagram from the I Ching, the Book of Changes (see illustration below). There are a total of 12 combinations of these lines that make up the profile. In your case, these are the two lines 3 and 6. In your Human Design Chart, you will also find your two lines as a number behind the dot on your conscious sun (personality) and your unconscious sun (design).

Profile 3/6 Human Design displayed as lines of the sun

Characteristics of the lines

Some interesting character traits can be derived from your profile. You are aware of the characteristics in the first digit. You are rather unconscious of the characteristics of the second digit, especially if you have not yet reached the second half of your life. The Human Design 3/6 profile also has interesting traits that you are sure to recognize in your career.

In traditional human design, the characters shown in the diagram are assigned to the six lines. Interesting conclusions can be drawn from these characteristics in relation to the profession. Between the first three and the second three lines (from bottom to top) there is a change in the way you learn in life. This is more about learning for life and not about how you learn at school, vocational school or university.

Human Design 3/6 Profile visually explained as a hexagram

How you discover life

With the first three lines, you have a learning style that is related to yourself. It is a self-centered way of learning. So if you have a profile with line 1, 2 or 3, you are discovering life in a self-centered way in relation to this line. With lines 4, 5 and 6, you have a learning style for life that connects you with your fellow human beings. Profiles can be made up of two self-related lines, two environment-related lines or a mix of self-related and environment-related lines.

The Human Design 3/6 profile

With your conscious third line, you discover solutions through experimentation. In addition to experiencing success, you also use the trial-and-error principle to find solutions that don’t work for you. This is your way of making progress in your working life. You will also meet people who support you on your journey of discovery, but who you can also reject if they are no longer useful for your path.

The unconscious sixth line gives you a bird’s eye view of your life and the world of work. Authenticity is the key to your personal development opportunities. You are a role model for your colleagues and business partners because you have gained a certain wisdom through your wealth of experience. This enables you to contribute to significant changes in organizations.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”


Thomas A. Edison

Your personal human design

MoreFurther characteristics of your Human Design 3/6 profile and many other aspects of your Human Design Chart can be found in your written Human Design analysis or in a 1:1 Human Design consultation.

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FAQ: Questions about Profile 3/6 in Human Design

What does the Human Design 3/6 profile say?

The conscious third line helps to discover solutions through experimentation, to deal with trial and error and to find one’s own path in working life. The unconscious sixth line promotes authenticity and a bird’s eye view of life, which enables wisdom and contribution to change in organizations.

Written by: Thomas Waaden

Thomas is the owner of Human Design Berufsberatung and TW Coaching & Consulting. As a human design expert, he focuses on topics relating to career planning, corporate and economic development. After 20 years of professional experience in business, he now devotes his coaching activities to psychological and spiritual topics relating to vocation and personal development


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