Human Design Business Consulting

Make your company resilient for the future!

Discover innovative approaches for sustainable change in your company. Use the potential of Human Design. In a complex working world, this system offers unique solutions for employees and teams.

The Human Design System opens up tailored ways of developing and optimising company processes and structures.

With ‘Human Design Business Consulting’, I support companies that are ready to break new ground and help shape the transformation.

New Work is Human Design Work

Woman explains something on the computer

From specialist to executive

Many talented specialists are promoted to management – but is this the right path? Specialisation can often be the wiser decision.

This question must be answered individually. Because not everyone is suitable for leadership roles. Human Design provides valuable insights into leadership characteristics in order to be able to make this decision consciously and well-founded.

Team looks at a laptop

Development of executives

What is the authentic leadership style and how is the manager perceived by the employees?

By using Human Design, valuable insights can be gained in order to get to know managers better and utilise their authentic style more effectively. In middle management in particular, this makes it possible to better manage expectations and strengthen the trust of employees.

Job interview

Human Design Business Recruiting

Which personality really fits the division? Which candidate will best complement the team? In modern recruiting, personality and social skills are often more important than pure expertise – because knowledge can be communicated, personality cannot.

Human Design shows what energies a team or organisation needs. In this way, a desired profile can be created before the recruitment process that perfectly matches the existing structure and dynamics.

Team joins hands in a circle

Personnel development with Human Design

Every employee brings unique skills to the workplace. But where do their individual strengths lie? Where is there potential for development, and how can weaknesses be managed sensibly? Which role fits authentically into the team and which further training programmes promote full potential in the job?

Human Design provides valuable insights that go beyond conventional personality tests. It shows innate talents and helps to develop and optimally utilise them within the company.

Woman working on the computer

Human design business and self-employment

Is your sole business not yet optimally aligned? Which marketing suits you personally? Is it worth bringing in a business partner? How are you actually perceived by your customers? And what happens when your company grows and you need to build up a team?

These questions can be specifically answered by a Human Design Business Analysis. It offers you valuable insights to help you successfully develop your self-employment.

Man standing at the flipchart

Founding a start-up

Are you planning to found a startup together with partners and wondering who fulfils which role best? Would you like to find out whether your founding constellation harmonises? Or are you thinking about taking off with a single partner and want to ensure that the collaboration is successful in the long term?

Here too, Human Design Consulting offers valuable recommendations for action that will put your start-up on the road to success right from the start.

Human design is a revolutionary tool for the future of business

Are you a managing director, HR manager or company founder? Find out how you can use human design to make your company fit for the future.

Contact me and discover the possibilities that Human Design offers for your business processes and personnel decisions.