As part of a Human Design Reading, I sometimes create an Executive Summary for my client. This summary shows interesting results and findings, but does not describe the entire Human Design Chart of my client. The following summary is about Christian. He is of the Human Design Type Manifestor (also called Initiator) with the Human Design 2/5 profile. In my summaries, I like to focus on a particular human design aspect. This can be, for example, a gate, a channel or a line. This article is specifically about the Gate 12 Human Design. Enjoy this summary.

Executive Summary by Christian

Christian is in his early 40s, is in the prime of his life and is a self-employed job application coach by profession. In Human Design Reading, he wants to know, among other things, how he can make his business flourish, taking into account his personal Human Design, without overtaxing himself energetically. Because he is aware that as a Manifestor he has to manage his energy well.

Christian is of the Human Design type Initiator (called Manifestor in classical Human Design). This type is basically concerned with using its energy efficiently and effectively. Initiators like to work alone and at best look for supporters who bring the necessary energy to realize his projects.
In order not to overextend himself energetically, Christian should therefore consider how he can be supported by others. It is important that initiators inform their supporters in good time about new ideas and projects, as otherwise excessive initiative can lead to resistance among colleagues because they are not picked up in time and feel left out.

Christian’s life unfolds within his Human Design Profile 2/4 as a talented problem solver. This means that he likes to perfect his talents in private, but then should present them to the masses. Thus, he is considered by his followers to be a luminary in his field of expertise. Supporting the achievement of the collective is its core brand-oriented talent, activated by unconscious Mars in Human Design Gate 12 in the fifth line. This fifth line (superscript 5 next to gate 12) represents the “dissemination” value stage, which can be represented by activities such as marketing or sales. What other information can Gate 12 give us about Christian’s core talent?

Human Design Gate 12

Human Design Gate 12 in the throat center represents the inner need to express one’s emotions. Emotions such as anger or annoyance can also be expressed in a tone that does not hurt others. “The sound makes the music in gate 12! However, there may also be some caution in expression based on past experience. So it’s about the appropriateness of the expression or action. Since we know from Paul Watzlawick “You can’t not communicate”, this means for Human Design Gate 12 that it is also possible to communicate in silence, namely via one’s own aura. Communicating adequately, then, is the potential of Gate 12.

Gate 12 Human DesignGate 12 Human Design


Line qualities of gate 12 Human Design

  1. Lineage: The MonkTo maintain inner harmony, seek out your retreat.
  2. Line: Caution in contact with others to maintain emotional balance.
  3. Line: Self-criticism – ability to reflect on one’s own weaknesses and areas of action.
  4. Line: Motivation, when everything seems to stand still, can shake others awake.
  5. Line: Pragmatism – Pragmatic prudence towards society.
  6. Line: Change – Creative expression to get the change rolling.

Christian should think about how he can profitably use this core talent in his self-employment. When can his emotional expressiveness be useful and with which people? Maybe they are very sensitive or introverted people and therefore a suitable target group? For Christian, it’s worth a try to take a closer look at this target group.

Christian has already proven that he is also a gifted presenter with his YouTube interviews. His creative questions are anything but 0815 and inspire his interview partners. He also has the gift of “openness,” which also makes him an emotional person. In addition, there is the talent to sell and to mediate. His gift is to authentically relate to his target audience without manipulating.

Christian, I wish you much success in experimenting. Listen to your gut!

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Geschrieben von: Thomas

Thomas ist Inhaber der Human Design Berufsberatung und von TW Coaching & Consulting. Er ist Systemischer Coach, Emotionscoach und Human Design Experte. Nach 20 Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Wirtschaft widmet er sich heute in seiner Coaching-Tätigkeit psychologischen und spirituellen Themen rund um die Berufung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung